Sunday, May 20, 2007

Health Blog

I have been asked to write a blog for and have been working behind the scenes with the editor to prepare for the launch...which of course is nowhere near as grand as it might like to think it sounds.

I was rather surprised at the amount of hoo-hah involved though. I was pleased that my short bio was accepted immediately - I find me the hardest thing to write about - but I had to send in five different photos before the graphics people were happy they had something they could work with...On reflection I hope that was all about picture quality and nothing to do with my ugly mug!

Generally I have been rather neglectful of my blogs but this health talk gig means I have to write to deadlines with two set publishing days per week. Hopefully this will help me to get into a blog routine and a bonus of starting the new blog will mean more regular postings on my other blogs...that's the threory at least.

Once I have the url for the new blog I will post it in links...just in case anyone is out there.

Is there anyone out there?