Friday, March 17, 2006

Holiday? What holiday?

Five minutes after our holiday and it is but a distant dream...Reality has a funny way of kicking all the doors in and huffing and puffing through even the thickest of walls.

I'm in the midst of a health scare - made worse by the fact that the doctors are calling me to check how I'm doing...always a scary sign when they start calling you!

I am on a seven day pre-op prep, with surgery scheduled for next week. The prep is far more scary than the op itself - I'll be in lala land for that bit...sadly the prep has to be faced though and I am planning on being a big brave soldier. Reality says I'll be a quivering snivelling wreck just two hours into the final two day run up - but I know you can keep a secret, so nobody needs know eh?

Wil be back to the blog when I emerge the other side of this little drama...meantime I will be furiously editing the novel MS. I want to release it by time for my Mother's birthday.

As they say - whoever they are - watch this space...

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