Monday, January 23, 2006

Curiosity finally got the better of me

A couple of friends say they published books using - at absolutely no cost to themselves I might add - and were delighted with the results. Never having seen the end product, I finally decided to have a go and see what happens...after all what can I lose - apart from the fiver it cost me to buy a copy of the finished product?

So okay this doesn't make me published in the true sense of the word, and it certainly isn't going to change my life or bring me fame or fortune, but there is a mild feeling of satisfaction is seeing something I made. And the main part of the satisfaction is based puerly around the fact that - after days of struggling with formatting etc - I finally got to grips with the process and completed my project successfully.

Maybe a couple of people who know me might take pity on my book and risk a fiver...They can always donate the unwanted paperback to the local charity shop, or maybe they will allow it to gather dust somewhere, or maybe even find a practical use for it ...I have heard that short collections work wonders on wonky table legs!

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