Sunday, January 15, 2006


Why is there so little time between when the week ends and the working week begins? It seems so unfair. By the time I have wound down from Friday and spent Saturday catching up on chores, Sunday is here and Monday morning looms.

Lately I have been so tired. I go to sleep tired; wake up tired and I'm tired all the hours in between. It seems to have little bearing on the amount of hours slept. I am just plain exhausted. Is it just that I need a break from my killer routine? I do hope so...for if that is the case, our upcoming holiday should make a huge difference.

We have opted for the whole tourist thing - a Florida holiday spent too close to Disney for my liking. I am praying that Florida is more than retirement homes and theme parks...Watch this space. Just two weeks till we fly out.

I am ridiculously excited.

Meantime on the home front there are teeny family wars going on unnoticed by the rest of the world (thank goodness). I am hoping that by keeping our heads down we can miss the not so friendly fire and stay out of it long enough for it all to blow over. If not we'll be looking for line of least long-term damage.

Too many of our friends are losing their parents of late. Normally I would joke about carelessness but this isn't funny. It is a sobering thought. As much as we might like them to, they will not live forever.

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